Mandate of the Police in the area of prevention of violence within the family and protection of victims of violence within the family

In the area of preventing violence within the family and protecting victims of violence within the family the Police shall:

– Facilitate the operation of a specialized unit for prevention of violence within the family and protection of victims of violence within the family. The Government shall approve a special uniform for the specialized unit and the Chief of Police shall set forth the training procedure and other distinct operational features;

– Specify the procedure for preventive registration as well as the monitoring procedure for prevention of violence within the family by juveniles in the scope of preventive registration and for this purposes meet with them at least monthly;

– Explain to individuals who informed the Police about violence against them within the family their rights and possibility to benefit from available services, refer them to support centers if necessary, make a decision to transfer victims of violence within the family and persons under their care to the shelter in cases and following the procedure specified in this law;

– Arrange regular trainings on prevention of violence within the family and protection of victims of violence within the family for its relevant officers; facilitate participation of its relevant officers in trainings organized by other bodies and organizations;

– Issue emergency intervention orders stipulated in article 7 of this law, oversee the implementation of relevant provisions in the emergency intervention and protection orders following the procedure set forth by the Chief of Police;

– Develop criteria to assess the imminent threat specified in article 7 of this law and organize mandatory training for its relevant officers to introduce them specific aspects of application of the aforementioned criteria;

– Submit statistics it maintains on cases of violence within the family to the Competent Authority

It should be noted that these powers are defined in accordance with the Republic of Armenia Law on prevention of violence within the family, protection of victims of violence within the family and restoration of peace in the family.

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