Iravaban TV
Video polls
Why should the Teacher beg for Money? Citizens about Collecting Money in Schools
What are the buildings of our universities like? “Nothing”: Citizens about the Academic City
Are the citizens satisfied with the decision of the Constitutional Court? What are their expectations from the newly elected NA? Survey
The price in the evenng is different as compared with the price in the morning; Everything, starting from the toilet paper, is expensive: Citizens about price increases
The information provided by which bodies do citizens trust more? Survey
Are citizens going to be vaccinated, and which vaccine do they prefer? Survey
Citizens about possible elections, the candidates they prefer and options to find a way out of the current situation
Are the New Year non-working days a luxury or a well-deserved rest? Citizens’ Opinion
Masks cause wounds on the faces of children: citizens and pupils on the reopening of schools
Spring will come, Coronavirus will disappear: Citizens about Coronavirus
“People will vote correctly” Citizens’ Opinion on the Upcoming Referendum
“It doesn’t matter whether I am in the ground or burnt”: Citizens’ opinion about the opening of crematoria
Can you live on 68,000 Drams a Month?