Iravaban TV
Video polls
What is the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials? Are Citizens are aware of it?
Do the Citizens pay attention to the Markings and Expiration Dates of Food Products?
Citizens’ Օpinion the Snow-Removal Works and Condominiums
Citizens’ Position on testing the Gynecologists
Citizens’ Opinion on the Quality of Education
Citizens about the upcoming Elections and their Rights
Citizens about References on Pensions and Allowances and the Corruption Risks
Citizens Opinion on the Tax Privileges in the Case of Family Entrepreneurship
Citizens’ Opinion on New Tax Privileges
Do the Citizens trust Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan?
Citizens’ Opinion on the starting the Lessons at Schools
Citizens’ Opinion on Criminalization of Illicit Enrichment
Citizens about the Transfer of 1000 AMD to the Special Fund of the Ministry of Defense