Iravaban TV
Video polls
The Impression is that Public Transport is a Means of violating People’s Dignity: Citizens’ Opinion
Before and after Sanitec: Survey
Citizens’ Opinion about the Draft on Permission to photograph Violations of Traffic Rules by Phone
Citizens’ Opinion on Garbage Disposal in Yerevan City
Citizens on celebrating the “Citizen’s Day”
Citizens’ Opinion about the Work of Nikol Pashinyan’s Government
Citizens about Election of Yerevan Mayor
Citizens’ Opinion on revealing Corruption Cases
Citizens’ Opinions about the Use of Mobile Speed Recorders
Smoking in an unspecified place shall cause a fine of 250,000 AMD: Citizens opinion about this
Are Citizens aware of the Order of Appointment of the President and Prime Minister of the RA?
Have you ever been asked to give bribe? Survey
Citizens’ Opinion on Changes of Banknotes