You can choose Orange, Kiwi or another Fruit that contains Vitamin C: CPC Member on Interchangeable Goods

In an interview with, Tigran Markosyan, a member of the Competition Protection Commission, presented information on the interchangeable products.

He noted that we are dealing with the problem of defining the product market.

“One of the elements of the product market is the product border, which is defined as a set of products and interchangeable products, and this very word in its name gives the answer to the question in a certain way. These are the products that, from the point of view of their purpose, quality of use, or price, it will be acceptable for the consumer to choose the another product instead of one. Let’s say, in situation X, we have a problem to choose a fruit containing vitamin C. In these conditions, naturally, taking into account this purpose, we can choose orange, kiwi or another fruit that contains vitamin C. From this point of view, these have become, in fact, interchangeable products.

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