They had an order to retreat, but Vrezh said, let’s fight, we will succeed: He hit 4 enemy tanks

Vrezh Avetisyan, who died in the Artsakh war, was drafted into the army on 30 July, 2019. He served in Mataghis, then moved to Talish as a haed of the position. In the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, Vrezh destroyed 4 enemy tanks.

“There are 6 children, Vrezh was the elder, he helped everyone, he prepared the lessons himself, he said, ‘Let’s sit down and see who and what lesson has.’ He served well, the commanders decided to send him to Armavir to study as a sergeant. He came, studied and was sent to Talish as a head of the position,” his mother, Luiza Avetisyan says.

By the order of the Artsakh President, the soldier was posthumously awarded the “Combat Service” medal.

Vrezh Avetisyan was born on 21 December, 2000. Killed on 27 September, 2020, from the shot of the enemy sniper.

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