They have not advanced even for an inch in Aghdam, we kept Aghdam until the end…: Vlunteer Sergey Vardanyan

Sergey Vardanyan, a participant in the Artsakh war, says that during the first week of the war they fought on the 3rd line, then moved to the front line.

“They began shooting at us, the first shell fell about 15-20 meters away from us, we all went into hiding, the second, the third or fourth shell was shot, everything went dark before my eyes, as if life had stopped for  a few seconds, as if I were dead,” he said.

According to Sergey, the biggest problem in the Artsakh war was air defense.

“It would be a lie to say that there was a problem with weapons. We had weapons, but we needed other weapons,” Sergey said.

Details in the video

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