Pa, see how we took back the position: Serzh Hakobkekhvyan was supposed to come home on 8 January

Serzh Hakobkekhvyan, who died in the Artsakh war, was a junior sergeant.

“When I saw him in a military uniform for the first time, I started crying regardless of myself. He said, Do not do that, mother, you are the boy’s mother, the boys’ mother does not cry, do not do small things,” Serzh’s mother, Armine Karapetyan says.

Serzh’s father wanted to go to war, his son said, this is not a fight with your machine guns, do not do it, should I think about me or you?

Serzh Hakobkekhvyan was born on 29 September, 2000, and died on 1 October, 2020.

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