Pursuant to the decision number 860 of the RA Government, a life-threatening injury to the health is considered the one that creates an imminent life-threatening condition by its nature, as well as the injury caused to the health that causes development of life-threatening condition. The damage caused to the health which creates a life-threatening condition by its nature, is the disorder of those anatomical structures and physiological functions of human body that in the majority of cases end in death in case of the absence of their usual clinical course and treatment, and there is a direct causal relationship between the injury and the death.
A life-threatening condition is the disorder of such important functions of human body that cannot be compensated by the body itself, and end in death without treatment. The development of a life-threatening condition must be directly connected with life-threatening injury, and must have a direct causal relationship with it. The prevention of death due to the provided medical care does not alter the assessment of the injury to the health as a life-threatening injury.