A power of attorney shall terminate, where:
- the term of the power of attorney has expired;
- the actions envisaged by the power of attorney have been performed;
- the authorising person has abolished it;
- the recipient of the power of attorney has renounced;
- the legal person, on behalf whereof the power of attorney has been granted, has terminated;
- the legal person, in the name whereof the power of attorney has been granted, has terminated;
- the issuer of the power of attorney has died or has been declared as having no or limited active legal capacity or missing;
- the recipient of the power of attorney has died or has been declared as having no or limited active legal capacity or missing.
The issuer of the power of attorney may at any time abolish the power of attorney or the reauthorisation, and the recipient of the power of attorney may renounce it. An agreement on renouncing these rights shall be null and void.