Is the Advertising of Medicine permissible?

Nowadays we can very often hear by different information means about actively implemented advertisements of various medicines, but are those advertisements made by strictly maintaining the rules defined by law?

So, it is stated in article 15 of the RA Law on Advertising accepted on 30April, 1996, that in case of advertising medicine by electronic and published mass media means, the number of the RA state registration certificate of the medicine, date, the number and date of the permission of the RA Ministry of Healthcare should be marked on the medicine. The advertisement of medicine under supervision, the medicine prescribed by a doctor, and medicine not registered in the Republic of Armenia is prohibited. The advertisement of medicine by commercial panels is also prohibited in the Republic of Armenia.

At the same time, in case of advertising with medical technique and medical means by electronic and published mass media or with the help of commercial panels, the number and date of the permission of the RA Ministry of Healthcare should be marked on the commercial.

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