A Hot Battle broke out, no one returned; we are still waiting for a Miracle: The Story of Davit Matevosyan

“Even in the hot moments of the war, he thought about his friends,” Mary Matevosyan remembers her son Davit Matevosyan within the framework of ”Immortal Victims of the Artsakh War” series of Iravaban.net.

According to the mother, the son was extremely curious, but his dream profession, which he never managed to realize, was jurisprudence.

David’s love for painting and art was demonstrated by learning the science of tattoo artist, he dreamed of having his own salon and working with his sister.

“The service was going on smoothly and happy, we never heard that he was upset or complained. He used to say: let me serve, finish, come home, dear mom, everything will be fine. He used to call even during the hottest time of the war. One day his voice was sad, I asked what happened, he said, “Mom, won’t the person who sees so many things be sad?” the mother said.

On 28 September, 2020, David called his mother and informed that everything is normal with them, that their commander saved their lives.

Mary Matevosyan says that none of her son’s friends came back from the army

Details in the video.

Hasmik Sargsyan


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