I am unable to look at my son’s photo, I could not save him: Hayk fought for 50 days to live

“He was very conscientious, and that was the reason that the commanders sent him to reconnaissance classes. He was a sergeant,” says Hayk Harutyunyan’s father, Hrant Harutyunyan told.

Hayk had survived in the war. He and 6 friends were under siege in Vank village. They were found by the enemy and brutally killed.

Hayk was drafted into the army on 22 July, 2020, and served in Jrakan.

“The country’s authorities are very guilty in this issue. Children serving for 2 months were left alone. They had retreated till Hadrut. They fought and lived in the war, they fought and lived for 50 days after the war. They were waiting for help, but no help arrived,” his mother, Melita Mesropyan says.

The mother remembers that her last words to son were, “I kiss you many times my, son, and the son, , answered shyly ‘Mom, I kiss you too’.”

Hayk Harutyunyan was born on 8 February, 2001. He died after the ceasefire on 27 December, 2020.

Details in the video


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