Mom dear, I love you very much, promise you would not shed a gram of tears: The letter of perished Samvel Gevorgyan

Conscript Samvel Gevorgyan was killed in the Artsakh war. Samvel served in the village of Nerkin Horatagh in Martakert, he was an artilleryman.

“I must definitely go to serve, because I will become a very good specialist in the future,” Samvel’s mother, Marine Hakobyan says.

On 27 September, Samvel wrote a letter to his mother. “Mom dear, I love you very much, but please promised you will not shed a gram of tears, everything will be fine.”

Samvel Gevorgyan died one day before his birth, on 8 October, his parents learned about his death on 9 October, his birthday.

“I thought all day, I said, God, let the sky be peaceful on this day, so that his 20th anniversary would not be remembered peacefully not in in battle, but it turned out that that day not even a light shone on my child,” the mother said.

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