Pursuant to Part 2 of Article 114 of the RA Labor Code, Rescission of the employment contract upon the initiative of the employer shall be prohibited: during the leave of the employee:
•in the case of pregnant women, from the day of submitting a reference to the employer until one month after the maternity leave;
•in the entire period of taking care of the up to a year old child, except for the cases provided for by Article 113(1), (3) and (5) and by Article 123
The above exceptions are:
•the organization is liquidated (the activity of an individual entrepreneur is terminated)
•in case the employee is reinstated in previous position
•if the employee regularly fails to fulfill the obligations reserved for him or her by the employment contract or the internal regulatory rules, with no good reason
The awareness is implemented in the framework of “Influencing the Women’s Rights Agenda” project is implemented by the Armenian Young Lawyers Association NGO.