The use of Weapons by Citizens of the Republic of Armenia

Citizens of the Republic of Armenia may use weapons, which they have lawfully for the protection of life, health and property only in the case of self-defense or emergency.
The use of weapons must be preceded by a clear-cut warning about the person against which the weapons are used of, except in cases when a delay in its application can create an immediate danger to human life or can cause other serious consequences. The use of weapons in the case of self-defense should not cause harm to others.

It is forbidden to use firearms against women, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors, if the age of the latter is obvious or known to the person who uses weapons, except in the case of an armed or group attack or armed resistance. The use of gun is forbidden in case of significant accumulation of people when the use of firearms may cause harm to other persons. In every instance in the use of weapons that has caused harm to human health, the person who used weapons shall immediately, but no later than within 24 hours, notify the Authority of Internal Affairs at the place of use of weapons.

Terms of Use of sporting and hunting weapons are established by law.

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