“They Moved Him from Khndzoresk to Jrakan Without Telling Me”: Tigran Gharibyan Was Due to Be Discharged in 3 Months

Tigran Gharibyan, born and raised in Gagarin, dreamed of going to Yerevan to pursue higher education and become an architect. The war unleashed by Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020, left Tigran’s dream unfulfilled.

The Gharibyan’s firstborn was born on September 15, 2000, and was named in honor of his uncle who went missing during the first Artsakh war.

“He was a very bright, intelligent boy who loved to draw. He was studying in the design department at Hrazdan State College and wanted to study in Yerevan to become an architect. He also loved various sports, especially football,” says his mother, Narine Najaryan.

On July 11, 2019, family members bid farewell to Tigran as he left for the army in high spirits. Tigran was ready for service, stating that as a man, it was his duty to serve. He spent 6 months in the Armavir training unit before being transferred to Khndzoresk.

“He was very content with his service, never complaining or grumbling. He served happily and was an intelligent soldier. On September 15, he celebrated his birthday with his fellow servicemen in the military unit. On September 27, they moved him to Jrakan, but he only told his father. When he spoke to me, he concealed the truth, and I pretended not to know his location. My husband also volunteered for the war, but they didn’t allow him to be with my Tigran. When Tigran fell, they sent him back with his father,” the mother recounted.

Tigran has a seven-month-old brother, Shant, who has brought light and meaning to the parents’ lives. The mother says that while she sees similarities to Tigran in Shant, she doesn’t want him to be too similar: “Let him be his own person.”

Details in the video.


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