Statement of the Judiciary Department with regard to Declaration of a Group of Advocates

Recently media reported about the declaration of a group of advocates, which attempted to “frighten” the judiciary with a one-day strike.
First we consider necessary to note that in our opinion on Article 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia strike is the right of an employee, which strives protection of economic, social and employment interests, issuing from the differences between the employee and employer.
Unfortunately we have to declare that prior to this statement we frankly thought that we are dealing with an independent advocatory system. We urge the advocates who are the authors of this declaration to confine to the procedures provided by law in discussing their requirements that issue from their procedural status and to solve them through legal process; to govern by the advocates’ mission and refrain from pressure upon the judiciary authorities through unfounded statements and false behavior.

Public Relations Service of the RA Judiciary Department.

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