Edgar saved 11 besieged soldiers: He did not spare his life for the homeland

“When he was 3 years old, when he was coming home from kindergarten, we were asking him, ‘Dear Edgar, what do you want to become?’ He was saying, ‘I want to become a soldier,’ Shushik Gyozalyan, the mother of Edgar Mheryan, a conscript killed in the Artsakh war, tells.

According to her, the son was very careful, “If he saw that I was crying, he would come and hug me and say, ‘Mom, don’t cry anymore.’

Thanks to the correct calculation, Edgar was able to destroy the enemy and save the lives of 11 besieged people. He died in the village of Kert in the Martuni region of Artsakh. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of “Garegin Nzdeh”.

 Edgar last called on 29 October. 


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