“He was in a coma, I spoke to him, two drops of tears came from his eyes”. Tigran Arshakyan’s mother was by her son’s side in the final minutes

Tigran Arshakyan was born on December 16, 2000, in the village of Vardenik in Gegharkunik province. He had a unique relationship with his mother, shared and discussed his goals together. The brother of two sisters was very strict, but also loved his sisters very much.

“Everything in my life was connected to him, I was waiting hopefully that it would end, he would come back and everything would be fine,” mother Anna Oseyan told Iravaban.net as part of the “Immortal Victims of the Artsakh War” series.

Tigran was conscripted into the army in 2019, served in the Agarak military unit in Meghri. He participated in the large-scale war unleashed by the enemy on September 27, 2020, from October 2, participated in the battles of Jrakan.

“He had served for a year and three months when the war began. On the morning of September 27, I went to the nearby store, the saleswoman was crying – war had started, she was in bad condition. I ran back from the store, called Tigran, but he didn’t answer. A little while passed, he called. Said that everything was normal at their place. A few days later they took them to Jrakan, we didn’t know, later we found out that Tigran was on the battlefield. They gave him the position of squad commander,” tells the mother.

Junior Sergeant Tigran Arshakyan and his fellow soldiers had retrieved a body, went through many trials. His last call was on October 8: “It was a normal conversation, nothing indicated, I just said – Tigran you’ll call me every day, he said – yes, mom.”

Tigran was wounded on October 10, that day a ceasefire was declared, but there was a UAV strike.

“I had a bad feeling that day, they say a mother feels, it is true, at that moment my Tigran was wounded. Then a friend transported him to some small hospital, from there they moved him to Goris. Tigran had received injuries in head area, legs, large intestine was damaged, was in coma. We went to Goris, transferred our child to Yerevan. He remained in a coma for 4 days. On the 2nd day, I went to him, spoke with him, wanted him to feel something, wake up, but two drops of tears came from his eyes and stopped. It was the 4th day when I went to visit again, it felt like he was waiting – we entered and ten minutes later he ‘left’,” tells the mother.

Details in the video.


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