Court Finds Hrayr Tovmasyan Guilty but Exempts Him from Criminal Liability

The verdict in the case of Constitutional Court Judge Hrayr Tovmasyan was announced at the “Kentron” (Central) seat of the Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction.

According to, the court found Tovmasyan guilty on two counts but exempted him from criminal liability due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

It’s worth noting that from the very beginning of his defense speech, the Constitutional Court judge insisted that this trial was not solely about Hrayr Tovmasyan, and therefore his defense would not be limited to his personal case. He stated that the trial’s inception, process, and conclusion have far-reaching implications, and these consequences would intensify following the trial’s conclusion.

Hrayr Tovmasyan denied the charges brought against him under Article 308, Part 2. He argued that anyone who had been the President of the Constitutional Court from 2018 to 2020 and had exhibited similar conduct could have been in his position.

Throughout the defense speech, there were minor disputes between the presiding judge, Tatevik Grigoryan, and the defendant, Hrayr Tovmasyan.

As a reminder, according to the indictment, during 2010-2014, Hrayr Tovmasyan, while serving as the Minister of Justice, allegedly obstructed notaries from exercising their right to free use of the premises located at 1 Baghramyan Avenue in Yerevan. He was also accused of coercing the President of the Notary Chamber to lease, under clearly unfavorable terms, real estate located on the first floor of the building at 8/1 Alex Manukyan Street in Yerevan, which effectively belonged to him. These actions allegedly caused significant damage to the legitimate interests of the Ministry of Justice and the Notary Chamber, and negligently resulted in severe consequences in the form of property damage.

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