“I Ask One Thing from Everyone: Let No One Consider Me a Victim”. Hrayr Tovmasyan’s Last Word in Court

In the “Kentron” residence of the Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction, Constitutional Court Judge Hrayr Tovmasyan is delivering his final statement.

He said: “It is unequivocal for me that regardless of what verdict is reached, this verdict will not be limited to Hrayr Tovmasyan alone; this will have a continuation of other phenomena. Conditioned by this verdict, the subject composition may change significantly, and I assure you that one day, when, I cannot say, but I will also appeal in this regard, that all the details of this case, from the first operational data of giving a bribe to the phenomena not so understandable to me during the trial phase, even minutes can be significant for the examination of the case within a reasonable time, all of this will become a subject of discussion.

Regardless of the outcome, these will have their consequences for those people as well, as to who had what participation in all of this.

Even if I lose, it’s not shameful; what’s shameful is not fighting against injustice. If the accusation was presented only to my subjective person, this struggle would relate exclusively to Hrayr Tovmasyan, perhaps the value placed on the other side of the scale would be something related to Hrayr Tovmasyan, maybe all of this would have been over very quickly.”

For more details, see the video.


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