First Constitutional Court Judge on the Defendant’s Bench: From Hrayr Tovmasyan’s 5-Day Defense Speech to His Final Word

The defense speech of Constitutional Court Judge Hrayr Tovmasyan at the “Kentron” seat of the Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction became a subject of discussion in professional circles.

What drew attention here was not only the appearance of a Constitutional Court judge in the defendant’s chair but also the duration of his speech.

As the presiding judge announced during the session, Hrayr Tovmasyan’s speech in court lasted 5 days, more than 27 hours.

From the very first day of his defense speech, the Constitutional Court judge insisted that this trial is not about Hrayr Tovmasyan, therefore his defense speech will not be only about Hrayr Tovmasyan. He said that the beginning, course, and end of the trial are much more profound, and after the end of this trial, these consequences will deepen further.

Was the purpose of Hrayr Tovmasyan’s speech to convince the judge and prosecutor of his innocence?

Details in the video.

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