Captain of the RA Armed Forces, Artist Gevorg Sahakyan about the exhibition entitled “Monotype”

Artist Gevorg Sahakyan studied in Kh. Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Fine Arts. He is currently serving in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, he is a captain.

His first personal exhibition was held in 2008 in the House-Museum of Yeghishe Charents. The second exhibition was in 2018, the third exhibition featured graphic images, and the opening of the fourth exhibition took place a few days ago, on 21 December, and will be open to visitors from 14:00 to 18:00.  The exhibition is entitled “Monotype”.

It was organized with the support of “Pyunik” All-Armenian Fund for Human Resources Development.

“I think it turned out to be an interesting exhibition. The opening went very well. It was opened with the blessing and words of Father Mkhitar. “Colonel Grisha Sargsyan spoke and mentioned that I have chosen two difficult paths and I try to be the best in both of them,” he says.

The exhibition presents paintings made on glass and then printed on paper.

“I had done more than 100 works, of which we chose 37. My 4 exhibitions were different from each other. People are interested in the state of mind depicted in the pictures. “There are cases when the heroes depicted in the picture want to buy their portraits,” Gevorg Sahakyan said.

According to the artist, the painting and the book are very important and expensive gifts, they are of lasting value.

The artist mentions that there are works that he will never sell, there were also such paintings in the exhibition, it was the portrait of his wife․ “The paintings we create become a part of us, it is very difficult to separate from that part, but on the other hand, better and more interesting works are created, when we divide from that part.”

Speaking about people’s interest in art, he mentioned that there are people in Armenia who are interested in art, follow it, but in other countries art has a much more important place.

“I think it depends on the socio-economic situation of the people and the current events – coronavirus, war, but I am sure it will be better,” he said.

During the days of the second Artsakh war in 2020, he did not create at all. There were other important things to do. Gevorg Sahakyan preferred not to talk about military service.

It should be noted that the exhibition will be open until 28 December, at 19:00 at 3 P.Buzand Str.

Hasmik Sargsyan

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