The Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Federal Republic of Germany Victor Yengibaryan met with the President of the German-Armenian Forum

According to the Armenian Embassy in Germany, Armenian Ambassador to Germany Victor Yengibaryan met with the President of the German-Armenian Forum Albert Weiler.

The parties discussed issues related to the forum’s activities, exchanged views on the situation in the region.

Let us remind that the President of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier received the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia Victor Yengibaryan on the occasion of presenting his credentials.

The Armenian Embassy in Germany reported.

Congratulating the Ambassador on his appointment, the Federal President wished him fruitful work and success in his mission.

Expressing gratitude for the reception and best wishes, Ambassador Yengibaryan noted that he would make every effort to further strengthen the friendly ties between the two countries.

During the private talk, the prospects of developing Armenian-German cooperation in political, economic, cultural and a number of other spheres were discussed. Ambassador Yengibaryan answered a number of questions from President Steinmeier.

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