Alarm Call: Accident in one of the mines of Syunik: Waste water flowed into Geghanush river (video and photos)

This morning received a call from the coordinator of Syunik Anti-Corruption Center.

The latter informed that on November 30 the pipeline of the waste storage operated by “Dino gold Mining company” CJSC was damaged in Iran-Armenia interstate urban road. As a result the waste waters flowed from the pipe into the river Geghanush. As a reminder, Geghanush river is the confluent of Voghj river.


Immediately after receiving the information the public news makers of and the coordinator of Syunik Anti-Corruption Center took measures in order to draw the attention of appropriate authorities on this occasion. Particularly, the staff of State Environmental Inspection of Syunik region, OSCE regional office of Syunik, institutions carrying out environmental protection activities and representatives of the Media were informed.


The group of people saw how the staff of “Dino gold Mining company” CJSC tried to erase the consequences of the occasion.


In addition to, today at 15:00 Syunik Anti-Corruption Center organizes a TV program on “Khustup” TV channel dedicated to the environmental issues and current corruption risks in Syunik region. During the TV program the representatives of the State Environmental Inspection of Syunik region, the head of Tsav community and the director of “Shikahogh” state reserve SNCO will participate.





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