Why does the RA Minister of Justice Represent the RA Citizen Serzh Sargsyan in the Constitutional Court of the RA?

Advocate Karen Mejlumyan, Authorized Representative of ex-candidate to the post of the RA president, referred to the administrative act where Serzh Sargsyan was indicated as an ex-candidate to the post of the RA President solicited to refuse participation of Serzh Sargsyan’s representative in the case investigation.


Andrias Ghukasyan, another ex-candidate to the post of the RA President made the same motion as well. He mentioned that it was inaccessible for him why the RA Minister of Justice represented the RA Citizen Serzh Sargsyan in the Constitutional Court of the RA. He solicited to invite Serzh Sargsyan, candidate to the post of the RA President, to the case investigation as a witness.


Hrayr Tovmasyan, RA Minister of Justice, said he was there not ex officio as he was on vacation.


Felix Tokhyan, judge of the Constitutional Court of the RA solicited to take a decision to recess.


The Constitutional Court of the RA rejected the motion after returning from the retiring room. The Court decided to reflect to the issue of inviting Serzh Sargsyan as a witness later.


Sources: Iravaban.net

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