Criminal Case initiated against Advocate Karine Avanesyan

Criminal case initiated against Advocate Karine Avanesyan is considered in the Court of General Jurisdiction of Arabkir and Qanaqer-Zeytun Administrative Districts of Yerevan.

She is charged in taking from Gurgen H. 16.296.580 AMD, which is equivalent to the amount of 43.000 USD allegedly to protect the interests of the accused Karen H. She obtained this sum through fraud and abuse of Gurgen H’s trust. In addition abusing Zhaneta A’s trust and through fraud she received the gift from the latter the real estate at the address X N.Zaryan str., which was worth 60.000.000 AMD and sold it to Ashot Kh., and used the obtained sum to cover her personal needs.

In another case Karine Avanesyan falsified the decision of the Court of General Jurisdiction of Arabkir and Qanaqer-Zeytun Administrative Districts of Yerevan.

Detention was imposed as measure of restraint against the defendant.

The Prosecutor’s Office of Arabkir and Qanaqer-Zeytun Administrative Districts of Yerevan pursue the charge in the court.

The Chamber of Advocates of the republic of Armenia informed that two disciplinary proceedings based on the complaints from the citizens had been initiated against Karine Avanesyan. Both disciplinary proceedings were dismissed due to initiation of a criminal proceeding against her.

Karine Avanesyan has practiced advocacy since the 10th October 1995. For more information please click here.


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