The Court deprived the Mother of Parental Rights

Anna Ginosyan applied to the Court informing that she was in actual marital state with Arthur Khudoyan since 04.03.2008. Their marriage was registered in Artashat Civil Status registration Agency on 19.02.2008 and Marriage registration Certificate # 122670 was provided to the couple.


They have a son Norayr Arthur Khudoyan. Anna requested to set a meeting schedule with her son.


On 27.10.2010 the respondent submitted a claim to the Court of General Jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor Marzes with request to assign him as a guardian of the child. The court met the claim and Arthur Khudoyan became the guardian of the child.


Arthur Khudoyan also claimed that Anna Ginosyan’s appeal was ungrounded and requested to deprive her from parental rights.


The Court considered all the evidences in the claim. According to the evidences Anna Ginosyan was characterized negatively from all places where he worked all lived.


Pursuant to Article 59 of the RA Family Code, “Parents or one of them can be deprived of parental rights if they:


a) violate the realization of their parental obligations, particularly, paying alimony;


b) without justifiable reason refuse to take the child from the maternity house or other medical institutions, as well as from rearing, population social protection and other organizations;


c) abuse their parental rights, in particular, make negative impact on the children by their immoral behavior;


d) treat the children cruelly, in particular, exercise physical or mental violence towards them, infringe their sexual inviolability;


e) suffer from chronic drug, alcohol or toxic addiction;


f) committed intended crime against their children.


Pursuant to Article 60 of the RA Family Code, “Deprivation of parental rights is realized by judicial procedure.”


The court ruled a decision to deprive Anna Ginosyan from parental rights and denied her request to set a schedule for meeting with the child.



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