Chicago legislation bans hugging a neighbor without her consent.



You can’t keep a horse at home in Los Angeles.



California law says that in order to use a mouse trap you need a permit to catch mice.



Arkansas men in oxford are allowed to beat women openly no more than once a month.



Athens ruler Solon decreed that first time alcohol abusing officials are offered a hefty fine and on the second time – death sentence.



When the issue of brothels was discussed in British House of Commons and many doubted the decision would be made. Final word was given to the actual sex workers. They demanded that their rights be equal to rights of service area employees and threatened that if the bill fails, they will publish the names of their “famous official clients”. The bill was passed. Some 130 members of the House voted fore it, while only 50 were against.



In the old times critics of king’s songs were jailed. After serving the sentence, the critic was sent to his “highness”.

– So, dear, what do you think of my singing now, – the king would ask.

The critic would give a deep sigh and say:

– You majesty, please jail me again.



In 1885 a attorney named Nicholson died in Oslo. When his last will was opened in the presence of the notary, children were stunned by surprise.

His whole estate was assigned for buying bicycles and gifting them to children.



Judge – Have you be judged before?

Defendant – Yes, your honor. But it was due to my attorney’s bad work, and not my fault.

Judge – That happens… sorry to hear that.

Defendant – No problem, sir, your were my attorney back then.



– Oh, I’ve heard so much about you, Mr. Petrossian, – the lady exclaimed, when she faced the community judge.

– Perhaps, lady, – he retorted, – but it all needs to be proved.



In 1981, Grigoryan exchanged Echmiadzin for Abovyan, but currently lives in Yerevan.

(from an explanation letter)



During Mullah Nasredin’s tenure as judge, his neighbor comes to visit.

– You angry cow scratched and killed our cow. What do we do according to Sharia law?

Mullah responds:

– Oh brother, it’s an animal. You don’t punish it, as it has no brains.

The neighbor then says:

– Actually, it was your cow that died – I mixed up.

Mullah Nasredin jumps to feet.

– Well, this changes the whole thing. Let’s see what this black book has to say about it.




“Defendant beat his wife with fists, hammer and other forensic items”.

(from a verdict)



Judge – How can you refuse your previous testimony given in court? Why?

Defendant Because my attorney convinced me that I’m innocent.



Judge in Oklahoma, US asks the defendant:

– Now please tell us in detail how you held up the bank.

– Can’t do that, – says the defendant, – all my rivals are here in court.



– So how do you feel after the divorce?

– Bad. The car that I had bought was given to my wife by court, and the kids that could even be from another guy were given to me.

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