What should You know wile declaring Strike?

Strike is a temporary cessation of work, partly or completely, by the employees or a group of employees of one or several organizations for the purpose of settlement of the collective labor dispute. However the procedures for organization of a strike provided in the RA Labor Code should be followed.

The right to adopt a decision to call a strike shall be vested in the trade union in the manner prescribed by this Code and its Statute. A strike shall be called in case where the decision thereon has been approved by secret ballot:

(1) by two-thirds of the total number of employees of an organization when calling a strike in an organization;

(2) by two–thirds of the employees of a separated (structural) subdivision of an organization when calling a strike in that subdivision. Where calling a strike in a structural subdivision of an organization impedes the smooth functioning of other subdivisions of the organization, the decision on calling of a strike shall be approved by two-thirds of the employees of that subdivision, which may not be less than the half of the total number of employees of the organization.

The trade union shall be obliged to inform the employer in writing about the intended strike at least seven days before the beginning of the strike. Along with informing the employer, the decision – made in the manner prescribed by this Article – shall be sent to the employer attaching the claims put forward. When calling a strike, it shall be allowed to submit only the claims that were not met during the conciliation procedures.

A warning strike may be organized before going on a strike. It may last no more than two hours. The employer shall be informed in writing about such a strike not later than three days before.

The decision on calling a strike shall specify:

1) the requirements serving as a ground for calling a strike;

2) the date and the hour of starting the strike;

3) the body leading the strike.


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