Citizen of Gyumri Ms. N.A. applied to Shirak AAC in 2011 with request to support to restore her right for remuneration provided by law for the work she did. On 16.05.2011 she had signed a labor contract with the employer, and started working from that date and till the mid August.
She was not paid the salary during the working period, and on this assumption she introduced resignation application. As the application was not considered she continued working till August.
However she was not paid the salary after termination of the contract as well. Ms Gayane Gevorgyan, the AAC lawyer sent a written application to the employer with request to clarify the grounds of nonpayment of the salary. The employer did not reply to this application. The AAC supported the beneficiary in filing a complaint to the State Labor Inspectorate of the RA. In result the beneficiary was paid her salary completely, including the settlement.
Restoration of Remuneration Right