Citizen A.N. from Ararat city applied to Ararat AAC in August 2011 and informed that he had been served a summon of respondent from the Court of General Jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor Marzes.
The history of the case is as follows: A.N. had some material difficulties and problems and borrowed money from another citizen, on the condition to pay the interest. For some period he paid the interest without taking receipts for that. The lender who had a relative among the right protective bodies, called A.N. to police through this relative, where he was forced to sign an agreement according to which the beneficiary agreed that he owed money to the lender. The latter tried to use this agreement as an evidence to submit to the court and to exact the debt through the court.
On 13 October 2011, an open court sitting on this civil case took place. The invited witness S.V. provided false evidences against the beneficiary, with attempt to make him pay back more money than he had borrowed. After examining the case, AAC supported the citizen to write a solicitation to the Court of General Jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor Marzes, where the beneficiary pointed the facts of essential importance for the solution of the case, that were connected with fact of false arguments as well as with the provided false evidences by the witness, and asked the court to submit statement in this regard to Ararat Prosecutor’s Office.
In result of persistent work of the AAC the applicant conceived that in result of his illegal behavior and actions, a criminal case may be initiated against him, where he shall be involved as a defendant. After that the applicant called back his application and in result the court decided to dissolve the case. Thus with support of AAC the beneficiary succeeded in protection of his rights and asserted his innocence in the order provided by law.
A. N. expressed his gratitude to the AAC and mentioned that the work carried out by the AAC and disinterested aid helped him to restore his rights and find justice.
Citizen restored his Rights and found Justice with AAC Support