Property and Income of Vahan Kerobyan and his Wife: the Minister has not submit One of the Annual Declarations

Article 34 of the Law “On Public Service” defines the duty of declaring the property, income and interests of declarant officials, clause 4 of the article stipulates that the declarant officials shall submit declarations upon assumption and termination of their official duties, as well as annual declarations

On 30 May, 2021, we wrote that RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan assumed office on 26 November, 2020. The Minister had violated Article 36 of the Law “On Public Service”, which defines the declaration terms. As of the day he assumed office, he had submitted the declaration much later, on 24 July, 2021, but it was supposed to be submitted within 30 days following the day of assuming office.

Article 34 of the Law “On Public Service”stipulates that the Annual declarations shall be submitted for the period from 1 January of each year to 31 December (inclusive) of the same year.

Vahan Kerobyan did not submit the annual declaration for 2020. presents his declarations on property and income.

As of the day of assuming office, Kerobyan declared:

  • Apartment – joint ownership, in Yerevan, in the Center Community, bought in 2019.
  • Apartment – joint ownership, in Nor Nork, Yerevan, inherited in 1977.
  • Toyota car – produced in 2009, purchased in 2012,
  • 35,000,000 AMD income from salary,
  • Share – worth USD 1,500,000, participation: 17.39%.

In the 2021 annual declaration, he stated that his car was not available at the end of the year, but how it was alienated was not presented. He declared the income: 20,225,133 AMD from the salary received.


Vahan Kerobyan’s wife, Mariam Harutyunyan, submitted her property and income declaration on 26 December, 2022 (Kerobyan assumed the position of minister on 26 November, 2020). Mariam Harutyunyan declared:

Apartment – joint ownership, in Yerevan, in Arabkir Community, bought in 2019.

Lexus brand car – produced in 2005, which was donated in 2012.

5,000,000 AMD in a bank account,

1,500,000 AMD income from salary.

In the annual declaration for 2021, she mentioned:

4,300,000 AMD in a bank account,

4,000,000 AMD income from two salaries.


The declarations of Vahan Kerobyan’s 4 children, Nare, Avet, Samvel and Aleksander Kerobyan, have not been submitted as well.

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