Deputy Prosecutor General and Family Members’ Income: Thousands in Cash Dollars and Euros in Wallet presents the 2024 property and income declaration of Deputy Prosecutor General Lilit Grigoryan.

Lilit Grigoryan lives with her husband, Gevorg Margaryan, and daughter, Ellen Margaryan. Her husband is unemployed, while her daughter works as a legal advisor at “Fidelis” LLC.

Grigoryan has declared:

  • A jointly used residential house located in Armavir region. The real estate was acquired as a gift in 2009.
  • One jointly used land plot located in Armavir region, acquired as a gift in 2009.
  • Immovable property attached to the land, located in Armavir region, also a gift, acquired in 2009.
  • One apartment, purchased in 2004 in Yerevan.

At the beginning of the year, she took loans from “NOY LUXURY APARTMENT” LLC amounting to 48,600,000 and 5,400,000 AMD.

At the beginning of the year, she declared available funds of 635,269 AMD, which increased to 2,233,248 AMD by the end of the year.

She also declared 3 million AMD, which decreased by 1 million by the end of the year.

As available cash, she noted 35,000 dollars, which remained unchanged by the end of the year; 180,000 AMD, which increased by 5,000 AMD by the end of the year; 17,000 euros, which increased to 45,000.

Lilit Grigoryan received 5,292,260 AMD from the State Revenue Committee, while her salary from the Prosecutor General’s Office amounted to 25,067,552 AMD.

According to the presented data, her loan principal balance was 47,872,000 AMD. She also made a loan repayment of 7,057,106 AMD.

During the year, she received 5 million AMD as a gift.

Grigoryan is a member of the Justice Academy’s Management Board.

Her husband, Gevorg Margaryan, declared one PORSCHE vehicle (manufactured in 2004), purchased in 2011.

At the beginning of the year, he had 100,000 AMD, which amounted to 1 million AMD by the end of the year. The available cash at the beginning of the year was 39,000 dollars, which became 42,000 dollars by the end of the year. He also declared 300,000 AMD, which amounted to 200,000 by the end of the year.

He also declared 20,000 euros, which remained the same by the end of the year. As a source of income, he noted “Soglacie-Armenia” CJSC, from which he received 7 million AMD. He noted the amount received as a gift: 2 million AMD.

Lilit Grigoryan’s daughter, Ellen Margaryan, declared a loan amount of 4,400,000 AMD given during the year, which did not change by the end of the year. At the beginning of the year, her available funds amounted to 1,274,214 AMD, and by the end of the year, she declared 200,879 AMD and 939 euros.

Income for the reporting year:

  • Campus France: 2,580 euros
  • Received 5 million AMD as a gift from Lilit Grigoryan, and the amount received from her father was 2 million AMD
  • Received 244,532 AMD from the French University in Armenia Foundation
  • 677,732 AMD from the State Revenue Committee
  • Received 2,252,643 AMD as salary from the Prosecutor’s Office, and 1,510,576 AMD from “Fidelis” LLC.

The main photo shows Ellen Margaryan, taken from the “Fidelis” LLC website.

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