The Image of the Investigator in Armenian Films is distorted: Senior Investigator Gohar Araskhanyan

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, to Gohar Araskhanyan, Senior Investigator of the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime of the General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases within the framework of “The Investigator Presents” series.

The motivation to work in the field for her, is to uncover new circumstances with each new case. Gohar Araskhanyan believes that the investigator’s work has a creative nature.

The employees of the Investigative Committee mostly are men. Is it difficult to work in such a team?

– It was not difficult for me. I studied at the Academy of the Police Educational Complex, then I worked in the police system, and now I continue my work in the Investigative Committee. Throughout my professional career, I have mostly worked in the company of men. Male employees show respect and attention towards the female employees. A woman’s presence in the law enforcement system, including the Investigative Committee, is important because of her unique perspective and approach to each issue.

– What were your reasons for choosing the police academy, working in the law enforcement system?

– I like the profession of a lawyer; I was attracted by the prospect of investigating crimes. I chose the path of my profession at an adult age, my decision was conscious and considered.

For me, the motivation to work in the law enforcement system, especially in the field of crime investigation, is the uncovering of new circumstances with each new case, the discovery of a new reality, and in general, the process of uncovering the case is the most interesting for me, and reaching the final result is the most important motivation. The work of an investigator is a creative work; in criminal proceedings the investigator decides the direction of the investigation, methods and actions of the investigation.

– How did the family members accept your decision to become an investigator?

– I have never had any problems with family members regarding the path I have chosen. They have always supported me, helped me and I know that they are always by my side in my decisions.

– Have you heard such an expression? “The work of an investigator is not for a woman.” What is your reaction?

– Yes, I have heard such an expression. That opinion is alien to me, it is not acceptable. Such expressions are mostly made by persons not related to the field; I have heard such expressions from my school friends. There is an opinion in society that the work of an investigator is not for a woman, but I do not agree with it. A woman can do any job, including that of an investigator.

Currently, the role of women is increasing in almost all spheres of life and work, including the field of crime investigation, which is due to the development of humanity and society. Previously, the woman did not even have the opportunity to participate in the elections.

I believe that together with the establishment and further development of society, such expressions will disappear forever.

– The image of investigators is often presented in films. How true is what is shown on the screen?

– It is important here which country’s films we are talking about. In the collective, we sometimes discuss the characters of investigators presented in Armenian films.

Unfortunately, I must note that the image of the investigator in Armenian films is distorted: the behavior of the investigator, his speech, as well as the law is presented very poorly. They are far from reality, which, I think, is due to the fact that the screenwriters do not understand the essence of the investigator’s work, they are not aware of what work the investigator does and what powers he has. I must mention that the investigators of the Investigative Committee have quite competent and flexible speech, which is not presented in the films.

– You are a Senior Investigator of the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime of the General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases. What attracts you in this field, what complications do you face?

– Investigation of cybercrimes is the most interesting type of investigation of criminal proceedings for me. It is fundamentally different from the investigation of other crimes, in addition, the field is constantly evolving and it is necessary to be able to increase knowledge and improve skills along with this development. In our case, it is possible that the examination carried out today using the methods used a year ago will not give results. The challenges, growth and development of the field attract me.

Along with the development of the field, in order to make the investigation of cybercrimes more effective, the Investigative Committee is trying to provide us with the necessary techniques and systems, as a result of which we, the Investigative Committee, have a criminological laboratory, which is considered one of the best in the region.

– During the work practice, were there any cases when you regretted for choosing the profession?

– There are moments when I am at an impasse in my work and it annoys me, at such moments the work that I have chosen seems very difficult to me, but it lasts only a few minutes, moments that pass and leave no trace on the result of the work. In general, I have never regretted.

Yevgenya Hambardzumyan

Photos by Artyom Petrosyan

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