My Faith to be decided in the RA cassation Court Today

During 16 years in prison I did not stop struggle to recover justice and to prove that I stayed a full member of the society as well.
I applied all applicable means. I was the first among the life sentenced who initiated challenging the lawfulness of the Decree of 1 August 2003 of Robert Kocharyan, the President of the RA, which substituted the death penalty with the life sentence.
Recently, after procrastinated procedure, the First Instance Court declined the legal request of my advocate, and was afraid to accept that President Kocharyan had violated the Constitution as well as a number of laws of the RA.
This is the first case; where after 16 years there is an opportunity to reopen the criminal case referring to a death penalty case. The fact that I, my family members and different advocates were insisting in their statements, today are really approvable.
I mean the Justice of 1996, when I a 20years old student was sentenced to death, according to the evidences provided by the other accused of the case that repeatedly changed his evidences, and these all was made without any grounded and indisputable evidences, in gross violation of investigative activities.
Here in the “round grave” of “Nubarashen” penitentiary the activities of a prisoner, who is closed in cell all day round, are limited as well. And on the assumption of the fact that the hunger strike in Armenia is among the ways of complaint that are valueless in Armenia, I also use it rarely, I declare that starting 11 June I shall start a dry hunger strike. As a son of a doctor’s family I also have an incomplete higher medical education and am aware that the human body can stand this only for ten days. I urge not to consider my statement as an attempt to press upon the Court.
Simply all the remedies to achieve justice are coming to end. The newly observed circumstances are the last hope to prove that 16 years ago I was sentenced based upon the evidences provided by one person only, and I was sentenced to death.
Please don’t deprive the man from HOPE.

Respectfully from the “round grave” of “Nubarashen”,

Mher Yenokyan


I have sent this letter to Serzh Sargsyan, President of the RA, Garegin the Second, Catholicos of All Armenians, Hrayr Tovmasyan, RA Minister of Justice, Aghvan Hovsepyan, Prosecutor General of the RA, and Arman Mkrtumyan, Chairman of the Court of Cassation of the RA.

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