The profession of an investigator is not just a profession, but rather a mode of life: Mher Vardanyan, Head of the Investigative Department of the Yerevan City of the RA Investigative Committee

The profession of an investigator is not just a profession, but rather a mode of life. Mher Vardanyan, Head of the Investigative Department of the Yerevan City of the RA Investigative Committee, first class councilor of justice expressed this opinion, launching the new series of interviews “The Investigator Presents” on

– Mr. Vardanyan, what are the main activities of the Investigative Department of the Yerevan City of the RA Investigative Committee at present ?

– First of all, I would like to express gratitude for organizing the interview, for your interest in our work and for its impartial coverage. The department coordinates the activities of the administrative districts of Yerevan and other subdivisions. In addition to its extensive functions, Investigative Department of the city of Yerevan of the RA Investigative Committee studies the effectiveness of the exercise of judicial and organizational powers by the heads of territorial subdivisions in specific criminal cases, studies criminal cases under investigation in territorial subdivisions, takes measures to eliminate shortcomings in the organization of preliminary investigations, as well as applications-complaints, motions and reports received from state and local self-government bodies, organizations, and in cases provided by law, sends them to the subdivision conducting the proceedings, ensures cooperation with other subdivisions of the Committee, state and local self-government bodies and organizations.

– You have been holding the position of the Head of the Investigative Department of Yerevan since last year , before that you held the position of the Head of the General Department on Special Assignments, Department of Investigation of Cases on Special Assignments, Organizational-analytical Activity and Criminalistics. Will you please tell us about the indicators of the department headed by you last year?

– First of all, let me present a few numerical indicators: 19,165 criminal cases were investigated in 2021, in the proceedings of the Investigative Department of Yerevan and subordinate subdivisions, and 15,258 criminal cases in 2020.  That is in 2021, during the year, the proceedings increased by 3907 criminal cases or by 25.6%, in the conditions of this unprecedented growth in 2021. Out of 19,165 criminal cases investigated in in 2021,. Only 1817 criminal cases or 9.5% of the total proceedings were transferred to 2022, compared to 16.6% of the previous year. It is noteworthy that in 2021 the productivity of the work done by the investigators was 90.3%. I think these indicators already speak of united and effective work. I would also like to add that I, as well as the entire staff of the Investigative Department of Yerevan City, will not dwell on the registered successes, but this year we will also try to organize our work more effectively.

– According to the summarized statistical materials, which types of crimes show the highest tendencies of increase?

– I can confidently say that crimes committed using computer technologies tend to increase more. I would also like to add that in the fight against these crimes, both the Investigative Department of the city of Yerevan and the entire Investigative Committee carry out preventive measures, including various measures aimed at raising public awareness through social networks and the official website of the committee. The professional department prepares the methodology of the investigation of the given types, as well as the training courses of the investigators of the subdivisions.

– What are the upcoming programs that you consider to be your priorities for the current year?

– As it is known, the new RA Criminal Procedure and RA Criminal Codes come into force on 1 July of this year, due to which the pre-trial proceedings will be carried out according to a new logic; therefore the priority of the Investigative Committee is to train the staff as soon as possible in accordance with the new legislation, thus making them competitive. For this purpose, a commission was set up by the order of the Chairman of the Committee, and I am also a member of this commission. The task of the commission is to organize the work of the committee in such a way that the changes in the legislation will be implemented effectively; all the issues will be properly and promptly attended. One of the priorities of this year is to staff the Investigative Committee with professional and knowing investigators, as a result of which the workload of other investigators will be reduced.

– Mr. Vardanyan , judging from the answers to the previous questions, it is understood that the investigators work under tense schedule. How can you ensure the effectiveness of pre-trial proceedings in such cases?

– Indeed, the investigators work with an overloaded schedule, but let me mention that our investigators are dedicated to their profession and it contributes to working effectively in case of such an overload. As we usually joke, the investigator’s work starts at 09:00 but does not end. I would also like to add that since 2021, headed by Mr. Kyaramyan, Chairman of the Investigative Committee, we have adopted a more flexible working style that is we carry out monitoring every month and send more investigators to overcrowded units to solve organizational problems operatively.

– If possible, let’s deviate a little from the official questions. What does citizen Mher Vardanyan prefer to do in his free time?

– The position of the head of the Investigative Department of the city of Yerevan is a very big responsibility, so I also work with an overloaded schedule. Moreover, many times, at any time of the day, in high-profile or particularly serious cases, I also go to the scene, organizing investigative work and cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, and rarely having free time, I spend it with my family.

– It is not a secret that it takes a long time and effort to come to high positions in law enforcement agencies You have been working in this system since 2003. How did you get there?  

– I started my way from the responsible position of an investigator and I did not spare strength and energy to do my job properly. Like many investigators, I have had sleepless nights along the way and encountered various difficulties that I have been able to overcome through hard work and constant self-education and deepening of my knowledge. I have held various responsible positions for 19 years and I have always tried to do my best within my functions, both for the proper implementation of the mission entrusted to me and for our state.

– Do you think the profession of an investigator is attractive for young lawyers now?

– I think so, but with one addition, the profession of an investigator is not just a profession, but rather a mode of life. I would also like to add that in order to make our profession even more attractive for young lawyers; our state is making significant efforts to provide additional social guarantees for investigators.

– What do you consider your main principle in life and work?

– Fairness and honesty.

This initiative, implemented in cooperation with the RA Investigative Committee and the website , aims to properly present to the public the main directions of the work carried out by the preliminary investigation body , to reflect on the peculiarities of pre-trial proceedings and other issues of public importance.

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