Hrach Tadevosyan considered Aggressive the workers of Plant “Nairit” who did not receive Salary for Ten Months

Today the workers of Plant “Nairit” organize a protest action in front of the Government Building of the RA. They demanded payment of the ir salary for the ten months. Just a few minutes ago Mr. Hrach Tadevosyan, the head of the trade union of the plant, informed that they had reached an agreement as a result of negotiations, and the plant can compensate the salary for only two months. The plant shall pay the salary for the first month this month and the salary for the next month during May. However he did not mention a distinct day for compensation. According to him the workers will receive the salary for the remaining eight months when the plant will have a new owner. The participants of the protest action met this statement with whistles. They were displeased with negotiation results. The workers did not believe that they would receive their two months’ salary. Currently they are going to move to the residence of the RA President, though the head of the trade union asked them to refrain from that.



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