What psychological problems do the participants of the war, the relatives and the children of the victims have?

Soldiers who passed through the war and their family members also have psychological problems. The support and role of specialists, the environment and the society in general is important here.

The society often shows the wrong approach to empathize the servicemen who took part in the military operations, were wounded and became disabled. Ms Tatev Gulkanyan, psychologist, special educator noted this in the interview with Iravaban.net.

“We begin showing more pity towards them, we do not understand that these people have many problems that they have to solve within themselves. They have seen what we have not seen, they have felt what we can never feel; very often that inner tension can also give them illusions, both auditory and visual. They can also misunderstand the manifestations of the society,” the specialist says.

According to her, from the contacts with the participants of the war it becomes clear that often they feel guilty, want to be isolated, not to communicate with people, etc. She notes that they should not be constantly reminded of their insults.

“As for the family members and relatives of the killed servicemen, there is a wrong approach by the citizens. Every grief has its stages of life, in this case these parents must live, go through those stages. There is no need to deny, say that everything is fine, or emphasize that the loss is irreversible, etc. Yes, the loss is irreversible, but one must let the person go through the stages of grief. They just need time to redefine life and live,” Tatev Gulkanyan said.

The special pedagogue also mentions that the children of the victims should not be deceived and say that the father has gone far, but will come, or that the father has sent him a gift. Children aged 4-7 already realize what death is. It must be clearly stated that it is irreversible.

You have to be patient and friendlier.

The specialist mentions what not to talk about with the participants of the war, how to introduce to the children, and what the war is, etc.

Details in the video


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