Hovik Abrahamyan about calling an Extraordinary Session of the NA to discuss the Post-Elections Processes

Today during the meeting with the journalist, Hovik Abraqhamyan, the Speaker of the National Assembly, spoke about the issue of calling an extraordinary session of the NA to discuss the post-elections processes.


“I made a suggestion to “Heritage” Political Party on calling an extraordinary NA session to discuss the post election processes. They replied expressing their consent to discuss the post election processes in the NA. The NA fraction ARF Dashnaktsutyun joined them as well, after my suggestion that all fractions will participate. All fractions have accepted my suggestion. Currently we are working on the draft declaration on how we conceive it. We consider that if we shall come to a consensus. Organize an extraordinary session and discuss the post-election processes and in the end we shall have an accepted declaration.  Currently we are working on the text, on the principles and if we reach an agreement then the extraordinary session will be organized, if not, the processes shall continue,” Hovik Abrahamyan said.


Source: Iravaban.net

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