Central Election Committee: 60.05 % of the Voters participated in the RA Presidential Elections

The Central Election Committee published the preliminary data on the voters’ participation in the RA Presidential Elections. According to the information 60.05 % of the RA citizens that have the right to elect participated in the RA Presidential Elections that is 1.518.407 of the total 2.528.463 electors have participated.
Participation of the voters in Yerevan is 53.99; in Aragatsotn marz 63.60%, in Ararat marz 73.92%; in Armavir marz 56.92%; in Gegharkunik marz 69.06%; in Lori marz 60.15%; in Kotayk marz 59.15%; in Shirak marz 57.92%; in Syunik marz 65.50%; in Vayots Dzor marz 62.65; in Tavush marz 65.73 %:
The complete information on the voting is available here.

Source: Iravaban.net

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