The Representative of the City Administration failed to appear in the Court

On 12 February, the case Yelena Babayan v. Gyumri City Administration was to be considered in the administrative Court in Gyumri. The claimant requested to consider invalid the Decision 5250-A of the City Administration made on 27.12.2011 (the decision provided the address of the applicant’s flat to a third party).

The applicant and her representative; Razmik Babayan, the third person in the case and his representative were present. Only the representative of Gyumri City Administration failed to appear in the court session. According to information of the court he was duly informed about the date and the place of the court session.

The Court clarified the positions of the parties to continue the trial in absentia. The applicant insisted to continue the case in presence of the representative of the City Administration.

The Court allowed the petition and delayed the court hearing.

The parties will be informed on the date, place and time of the next court hearing additionally.

Newsmaker: Lusaber Ter Gevorgyan


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