Karlen requires dividing his ownership share from the property that is in joint ownership

Today, 31 of January, the Court of General Jurisdiction of Shirak region, presiding judge H. Mikaelyan, considered the civil lawsuit brought by Karlen Ghalachyan, who required to divide his ownership share from the property that is in joint ownership.



The plaintiff, his representative, advocate Eduard Aghajanyan, the respondent and the representative of the latter, advocate Anna Aghajanyan shown up to the court hearing.


The last court hearing was delayed based upon the motion of the respondent’s representative who asked for extra time for getting acquainted with the inference on possible versions of property division provided by “P.A.G. Estate” LLC.


According to the representative of the respondent the inference provided by “P.A.G. Estate” LLC is not complete and the sizes therein do not match the ones stipulated in the certificate of ownership. The representative filed a motion to invite the specialist to the court session for explanations of professional issues. Being ruled by Point 3, Article 62 of the RA Civil Procedure Code the Court granted the motion.


The next court session will be held on 8 February, at 16:00 p.m.


Public Correspondent 

Lusaber Ter- Gevorgyan


The source: iravaban.net


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