The court assessed the behavior of the advocate as irreverent

Today, on 30 January the Court of General Jurisdiction of Shirak Region should continue the consideration of the criminal case brought against Susanna Martirosyan and Narine Movsisyan. They are accused of forcing the citizen H. M. to be engaged in prostitution in “Ishik” Hotel of Turkey and for about 4 months kept her for sexual exploitation earning about 7.500USD. They are detained in custody as a measure of restraint.



According to the Presiding Judge Edward Manukyan, the President of the Court of general Jurisdiction of Shirak Region, the consideration of this case transferred to the game, because the defender of Susanna Martirosyan (with a nickname “Doctor”) does not show up to the court periodically based upon different reasons.


Today was the same scene and the reason of the absence of the defender was illness. According to the Court’s statement the defender did not submit relevant document certifying this fact.


The Court assessed the behavior of the advocate as irreverent and announced that it will inform the RA Chamber of Advocates about it, if the advocate will not show up to the next court hearing.


The next court session will be held on 5 of February, at 14:00 p.m.


Public Correspondent


Lusaber Ter-Gevorgyan

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