“The Doctor” needed a doctor

Today, on January 16, The Court of General Jurisdiction of Shirak region continued to consider the criminal case brought against Susanna Martirosyan with a nickname “Doctor” and Narine Movsisyan under Points 2 and 6, Part 2, Article 132 of the RA Criminal Code, i.e. human trafficking against 2 or more persons.



They are accused of forcing the citizen H. M. to be engaged in prostitution in “Ishik” Hotel of Turkey and for about 4 months kept her for sexual exploitation earning about 7.500USD. They are detained in custody as a measure of restraint.



Today the defender of “Doctor” filed a motion to terminate criminal case proceedings and criminal prosecution. The same motion was filed by the defender of Narine Movsisyan.


During the trial the accused Susanna Martirosyan felt worse and needed medical care. Her blood pressure became high.



The Court announced a break for 30 minutes. The medicine did not have positive effect and the medical worker suggested the Court to take her to the hospital, and the court delayed the court hearing until 30 January, at 14:00 p.m.


Public Correspondent


Lusaber Ter-Gevorgyan

The source: iravaban.net

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