The Husband Wants Back his Kidney

When Dr. Batista`s wife needed a kidney transplant, he gave her one of his. Now that Batista has filed for a divorce, wants his kidney back as part of his settlement demand or the value of that kidney estimated 1.5 million US dollars.


A 49-year-old doctor has been married for 14 years and he has three children. After his wife had two failed transplants, he donated a kidney to her. The case is being heard in Supreme Court in New York.


Medical ethicists agreed that it would be somewhere between impossible and completely impossible for the doctor to either get his kidney back or get money for it. First and foremost it’s illegal for an organ to be exchanged for anything of value. Organs in the US may not be bought or sold. Donating an organ is a gift and legally when you give something, you can’t get it back. It’s her kidney now and taking the kidney out would mean she would have to go on dialysis or it would kill her. Nor can you assign a subsequent monetary value to an organ. There’s nothing later you can get in terms of compensation if you regret your gift. What’s more, no reputable surgeon would perform such a transplant and no court could compel a person to undergo an operation. Thus the court has rejected Batista`s claim.




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