Prime Minister instructed to prepare Draft Laws on Illicit Enrichment

RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan opened the Government meeting with important instructions. One block of these instructions related to the institute of criminalization of illicit enrichment and the sphere of fight against corruption.

The Prime Minister noted the importance to introduce distinct mechanisms and rich criminalization of illicit enrichment in cases where the the growth of the assets of the official significantly exceed the revenues. According to the Prime Minister, such officials should be subject to criminal responsibility.

“I assign the Minister of Justice to prepare a draft within two weeks, I mean the draft on criminalization of illicit enrichment.”

In addition the Prime Minister noted that fake loans and donations are still made mainly in cash and this process is uncontrollable in principle. “I instruct the Minister of Justice and the Central Bank of Armenia to prepare the draft law on limitations to cash transactions in two weeks,” he said.

The third recommendation relates to the extension of the anti-corruption body. The Prime Minister thinks that this expansion should be based on the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials of the RA. “It is necessary to expand the function of the Ethics Commission, establishing educational and preventive functions.” In addition Karen Karapetyan recommended that the activity and functions of law enforcement agencies, dealing with corruption crimes should be open and accountable to the most possible extent. “These agencies should submit public reports on annual basis.”

At the end, the prime Minister instructed to work in this direction and submit relevant draft law within a month.

Fourth: the Prime Minister mentioned the importance to refer to the issue of expansion of the range of persons that are obliged to submit declarations. “Currently we have a large number of officials who submit declarations, but there still are officials who are not included in the list, but yet work in the spheres that include corruption risks. I recommend to submit to the government a proposal on expanding this scope in the period of three weeks.”

The next instruction was related to the institute of whistleblowers.

Notably, all of these ideas were submitted to the government by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association after the in-depth study of the international experience.

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