A Special Session for submission of the Anti-Corruption Legislative Package to the National Assembly

At today’s Government session, at the last part of his resignation speech, Proime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan especially emphasized the fight against corruption. He said that the legislative package on the fight against corruption has already been put in circulation and it was planned that a Special session of the NA shall be convened in October.

This legislative package has been elaborated on the initiative and participation of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and CSOs’ Coalition of Armenia.

The Prime Minister specifically stated in his speech: “The Government, in close cooperation with the civil society, has prepare a number of legislative initiatives aimed at combating corruption. In particular, the drafts on criminalization of illicit enrichment of senior government officials, punishment of incomplete declarations, revealing of real owners of the companies participating in public procurement, defining the limits for cash transaction operations real owners of companies have been circulated. The drafts on promotion and promotion of persons reporting the corruption crimes (whistleblowers protection) is in development phase. The idea of creation of aa new institutional mechanism for fight against corruption – the independent anti-corruption body has been analyzed in-depth.

We plan to invite a special session of the NA in October aimed at implementation of a legislative package, which shall include all these. I believe this package shall be one of the best instruments, which the new governments can apply to unite our polarized society.”


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