Why is the Number of voters 4 times more in Nerkin Khndzoresk Village with 200 Inhabitants

According to information in the website of Syunik Regional Administration, Nerkin Khndzoresk Village has 184 inhabitants. However the number of registered voters at the referendum was four times as more – 823. One ballot was recognized void. All the other ballots were for the Changes of the RA Constitution and indicated the answer “Yes”.

Martun Arzanyan, the mayor of Nerkin Khndzoresk Village stated that the number of voters was increased is due to participation of 652 contract soldiers who voted there. Only 170 villagers participated in referendum: “If we look back to the years of presidential, and parliamentary elections, we shall have the similar picture. Simply nowadays the opposition does more. There are a lot of contract workers. It is a border village. They have voted”-the mayor of the village said.

He noticed that 37/30 polling station in Nerkin Khndzoresk is the only one in that border area. “When we opened the box to read the ballots, I said “let there are a few “No”-s, Otherwise I shall be disturbed during the whole day. But it turns just opposite”-stated the mayor of the village.


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